Please note that these Websites are list in order by number of unique monthly visitors. This prevents us from showing any form of bias discrimination.

10. Tagged

Is a social media site for gamers. It was created to so gamers would have an easy way to connect with their friends who also play games. It has an estimated 38,000,000 unique monthly users.

9. Vine

Is a way to share your life through short videos. It is a simple and easy way to share videos with friends and family members. Vine has an estimate 42,000,000 unique monthly users.

8. Flickr

Is an image and video hosting site used by many bloggers to host there pictures and videos. Flickr has an average 65,000,000 unique monthly users.

7. VK

Is the largest social networking site in Russian and functions a lot like other social networking sites. It has an estimated 80,000,000 unique monthly users.

6. Instagram

Is an easy way to share your life with friends and family through the use of pictures. It has an estimated 100,000,000 unique monthly users.

5. Tumblr

Tumblr is described as a whatever blog, where each user can create their own personal blog and follow other users. Tumblr has an estimated 110,000,000 unique monthly users.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest has an estimated 250,000,000 unique monthly users. Pinterest is described as a visual discovery tool and it is a great way to share pictures or ideas with your friends.

3. Linkedin

When it comes to looking for a job, there’s not a better social website to use other than Linkedin. It has an estimated 255,000,000 unique monthly users and is easily the most popular professional social media site.

2. Twitter

The number 2 spot belongs to Twitter, which has an estimated 310,000,000 unique monthly users. Twitter is a great way to share what’s on your mind, catch up on celebrity gossip, and stay up to dat on the news 140 characters at a time.


Boasting over 900,000,000 unique monthly users, it is easy to see why Facebook is the most popular Social Media site to date. It has become a way of life for many people and is a great way to stay connected with your friends.

Created for Web Application Development
Spears School of Business - Oklahoma State University